What is the value of a first-page ranking

What is the value of a first-page ranking

Just some stats that we have collected, showing how important it is for a business to be on the 1st page of Google Results and / or in Google Local 3-pack.
The average web user won’t go past the first five listings on a search engine results page.
According to a 2014 study from Advanced Web Rankings, more than 67% of all clicks go to the top five listings.
Research shows that websites on the first search engine results page receive almost 95% of all clicks, leaving only 5% for remaining search results pages.
Don’t Forget to include ads and searches without clicks. Only 15% of traffic clicks on an ad or tries a different search.
46% of all searches on Google are local in nature. When a local search is performed, the Local 3 Pack appears at the top of search results page 93% of the time. Having your business appear on the Local 3 Pack boosts your visibility & sales significantly.
50% of users visit a store within a day after seeing the business on local search. Nearly 80% of local searches result in purchases.
As you can see being displayed in Google’s Local 3-pack is HUGE! What is the final criteria for a customer to pick your business out of top 3? Google Reviews + Overall professional appearance.
We help businesses achieve their goals of being in Google Local 3 pack as well as getting consistent reviews and looking sharp when it comes to website.
Join our Google Business Profile Program to start your climb to the top!

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